Killed by the tablets they took to lose weight: This beautiful student doctor was killed by internet slimming pills that make users fatally overheat. And she is far from the only victim

Sarah Houston, 23, had complained of feeling hot and unwell and had been breathing heavily on the evening of her death

Victim: Sarah Houston, 23, had complained of feeling hot and unwell and had been breathing heavily on the evening of her death

Beside her bed in her student digs, Sarah Houston had placed a handwritten note. ‘If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way,’ it read.

Looking back, her parents Geoff and Gina say it perfectly summed up their 23-year-old daughter, a young woman studying to be a doctor whose travels around the world had given her an appreciation of the plight of others less fortunate.

But while that may have been a side of Sarah they knew, there was a dark secret that she was hiding from them. And, ultimately, it was a secret that would cost Sarah her life.

In that same room, was a brown envelope containing dozens of capsules of the industrial chemical Dinitrophenol, or DNP. Used primarily nowadays as a pesticide, in recent years it has been increasingly abused by those attempting to find a way of losing weight — fast. Taken orally, it speeds up the metabolism, making the body burn up fat.

For her part, Sarah had suffered from eating disorders from the age of 14, first anorexia and then bulimia. And while her parents had thought she was over the worst of it, she had, in fact, been taking DNP for the previous 18 months. Then, last September, the medical student took what turned out to be a fatal dose while away studying at Leeds University. 

At first no one knew what had caused her death. But then toxicology tests on the substance found in that brown envelope came up with an answer. At an inquest earlier this week, coroner David Hinchliff concluded that DNP was ‘entirely’ responsible for Sarah’s death.

Her parents are now campaigning to highlight the risks of taking DNP and, as the Mail reveals today, are joined in that call by others who have lost children to this drug.

Four young men and women are now thought to have died in Britain after taking the drug in the past six years, three of them in the past six months alone.

One of them was Anjennis Walrond’s 26-year-old daughter Selena, who died in 2007 having taken DNP in a bid to lose weight. Like Sarah, she purchased the drug over the internet and, again like Sarah, she hadn’t told anyone what she was doing. 

The first Mrs Walrond knew something was seriously amiss was when she awoke in the early hours of the morning to find Selena collapsed in a cold bath at their home in Croydon where she was trying to lower a raging temperature, a side-effect of the pills. Her skin and the whites of her eyes had turned yellow and her breathing was rapid and shallow.

Geoff and Gina Houston, the parents of Sarah Houston, outside Wakefield Coroner's Court yesterday

Raising awareness: Geoff and Gina Houston, the parents of Sarah Houston, outside Wakefield Coroner's Court

An ambulance was called and Selena was hospitalised. But, sadly, it was all in vain. Within hours she had died of a massive heart attack.

Taking DNP is a dangerous gamble — the difference between a dose that might shift a few pounds and one which can kill is slight.

Those who have overdosed on the drug have likened it to ‘cooking from the inside’, as the substance can cause people to overheat.

But those who take it are desperate, and that is something the people who sell this deadly drug cynically exploit.

‘Selena was so self-conscious about her weight that it got to the stage where she didn’t like to go outside,’ said Mrs Walrond, 53, whose daughter had a thyroid condition and who, at 5ft 3in tall, weighed 15st.

‘A month before she died, she told me she’d had enough and wanted to turn her life around.
‘She was looking for a way out of her situation and bought these pills. But I know her, and she wouldn’t have done it if she had known they were dangerous.

‘How could someone sell this stuff? It is all about making money at the end of the day. They are preying on desperate people.’

It is not clear whether the antidepressant Fluoxetine contributed to her premature death

Toxic: The drug Sarah took to lose weight is used primarily nowadays as a pesticide

It is a point reiterated by Sarah Houston’s father. ‘It is exploitation, and I think it is exploiting the vulnerable and the impressionable,’ said Mr Houston, a retired stockbroker-turned-lay minister from Chesham, Buckinghamshire.

‘Sarah had had an eating disorder for a long time, and the tragedy is that she had nearly made it through to the other side. Yet she was taken in by what she had seen on the internet.’

While Mr Houston, and his wife, a retired pharmacologist, would like to see DNP banned, they are all too aware of how difficult that might be in practice.

An effective pesticide, it is perfectly legal to buy and sell.

Sold online as an aid for ‘weight loss’, it is not officially classified as a medicine because slimming aids are judged to be medicines only if they counter a medical condition, such as obesity.

As a result, the only regulations anyone selling DNP is likely to fall foul of are those relating to foodstuffs.

While the Food Standards Agency has warned against consuming DNP, saying it can lead to ‘nausea, vomiting, restlessness, flushed skin, sweating, dizziness, headaches, rapid respiration and irregular heartbeat, possibly leading to coma and death’, it does not have the power to ban it.

If DNP is found to be sold in the UK for human consumption, all the FSA can do is to ask the local authority in the area concerned to investigate.

Many websites are able to avoid this because they are based abroad, and so outside the FSA’s jurisdiction, or use weasel words in their sales pitches.

The basic fact is that DNP — or 2,4‑Dinitrophenol to give it its full name — was never intended for human consumption. It was first used by the French in the manufacture of ammunition during World War I. Such was its toxicity that dozens of those exposed to the substance died during this period.
It has subsequently been used as a wood preserver, photographic developer, herbicide and pesticide.

But in the 1930s, scientists in America discovered that DNP raises the metabolic rate, causing the body to burn up fat and calories.

In 1933 it was launched as a slimming aid — but was soon removed from shelves when it transpired that those taking the drug ran the risk of heart attacks and developing cataracts.

Selena Walrond

Fatal: Selena Walrond from Croydon died from a heart attack in 2008 after taking a large amount of DNP that she had bought online

By the time it was banned from sale in 1938, at least eight slimmers taking the drug had died.

Over the following 65 years, the message that DNP was unsafe seemed to have sunk in. In that time, medical literature recorded just two deaths from the drug.

But in the past decade all that has changed. Since 2002 there have been 15 fatalities linked to the drug.

The majority of those deaths were among people who had taken DNP for weight-loss purposes (there were also a handful who had committed suicide or suffered accidental exposure to it).

Of the men who died, they were nearly always bodybuilders who saw the drug as a fast way of losing fat while retaining muscle bulk.

Bodybuilder Sean Cleathero, a 28-year-old, died at hospital in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, last October after allegedly taking DNP.

His death was referred to the police, who subsequently revealed that they were investigating reports he had bought the substance from a gym. Thames Valley Police have since arrested and bailed three men on suspicion of manslaughter. 

Then, in February, the death of an 18-year-old university student from Farnham, known as ‘Mr Muscles’, was also linked to the drug.

Fitness fanatic Sarmad Alladin, who had posted numerous snaps of his physique on Facebook, was rushed to hospital only to die within hours.

His university later issued a warning to its students about the risks of taking DNP. 

So why is it that this highly-dangerous substance is once again being touted as a slimming aid? The answer is simple: the internet.

Log on to the web and there are numerous references to the drug  and its supposed ability to shift weight fast. As well as giving highly dangerous recommendations on how much of the drug it is safe to take, they also list the side-effects from DNP. These include massively increased perspiration and a general sense of over-heating.

Users have detailed the sweating, and explain how their skin and the whites of their eyes have turned yellow. To keep cool, many say they have to sleep with a fan blowing directly onto them.

Despite this, there is a market for the drug among body-conscious youngsters — and no shortage of websites to cater to their needs.

Sarah is thought to have purchased DNP from websites in Britain, Spain and Turkey. Selena’s came from China. And it is from there that UK-based suppliers are known to source DNP in bulk in powder form and then package it into capsules for re-sale. One UK-based online supplier boasts on its website: ‘We specialise in producing the best DNP on the market!’

It advertises DNP for ‘weight loss’, and emails sent to the site receive an automatic reply complete with a product list. A tub containing 50 125mg DNP capsules can be bought for £26, or 48 250mg tablets for £45. Discounts are offered for larger quantities and the pills shipped within two working days.


DNP is sold as a weight loss aid, but has been described as 'extremely dangerous to human health' by doctors.

It is sold mostly over the internet under a number of different names but contains 2, 4-Dinitrophenol.

It is marketed mainly to bodybuilders as a weight loss aid as it is thought to dramatically boost metabolism.

The manufactured drug is yellow and odourless and was previously used as a herbicide and fungicide. It was launched as a slimming aid in the U.S. in the 1930s but then banned in 1938, due to the severe side-effects.

Depending on the amount consumed, signs of acute poisoning could include nausea, vomiting, restlessness, flushed skin, sweating, dizziness, headaches, rapid respiration and irregular heart-beat, possibly leading to coma and death.

A further barely literate message warns: ‘For weight loss. Important notice!!! Please do your research on DNP before you even think about ordering! If you come across unknowledged [sic] on this product asking questions how to use etc you will get no reply! So no order! Not for human consumption if you do not no [sic] what the side affect can result in.’

The website domain name is registered to an address in Bermuda and there is no clue as to where the supplier is based.

A second UK-based supplier, recommended on various bodybuilding forums, lists DNP as its sixth best-selling product and offers 48 250mg DNP capsules for £50.
The site warns: ‘Please do your research before using!!’

The terms and conditions also state that customers ‘must be aware of the functions and side effects of all the items purchased; must be aware of proper dosages and instructions for each medicine purchased; and must agree that order is purchased for LEGAL USE.’

The website is linked to a name and address in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, but enquiries by  the Mail indicate that neither is accurate.

In response to an email, the man behind the site telephoned the Mail. He refused to reveal his identity other than to say that he is a former bodybuilder in his 30s from the Home Counties.

He added that he started out supplying DNP to fellow bodybuilders at the gym he used before moving to selling online.

While admitting that he knew it is illegal to supply DNP for human consumption, he pointed out that his website stated that the products were not for human consumption.

‘But once they have bought them, people can take them as they wish,’ he added. Questioned whether he felt it was irresponsible to sell DNP given the recent spate of deaths, he insisted that his customers knew what they were doing, before callously dismissing Sarah Houston’s death as ‘one of those things’.

‘She was not one of my customers,’ he said. ‘No one by that name ordered from me. It is not my fault.
‘It is a tragedy that a young girl, a medical student of all things, died. But it is just one of those things.

‘She wanted to lose weight and that is the celebrity culture today. She took a bodybuilding drug as a slimming pill, which is very dangerous. People will do anything today to look and feel good. I do my best, I really do, to avoid selling to girls like her. But someone will sell these girls pills, and if they don’t take this product, they will take something else.’


But if DNP were not available, pre-packaged in capsules and ready to buy at the click of a mouse, wouldn’t Sarah and Selena still be alive now?

Sarah’s parents certainly think so, and for that reason they believe that those who package and sell the drug are culpable for what happened to their daughter.

‘I’m sure that Sarah would not have taken it if it had not been sold as capsules,’ Mr Houston said.

‘It is a legal substance because it is used as a pesticide and a herbicide — but not in capsule form. You can’t spray your crops with capsules.

‘If it were only sold in liquid form, you could use it in industry but you could not use it as a diet aid.’
His wife, devastated by the loss of her beautiful daughter, is emphatic.

‘You go on the websites and you can see it marketed as a slimming agent, and there are blogs of people who have used it saying how wonderful it is. It is absolute nonsense. It is a killer.’

And a killer that, unless something is done, will go on to kill again.

Sarah Houston cause of death: Boiled alive by internet slimming pills 'DNP'

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